Welcome new residents and welcome back current residents!

If you are new to our community, we hope you find Village Place pleasant and welcoming. Please let the Board know if you have any questions or need additional information. If you are not receiving emails, please send your contact info to us immediately so we can add you to the list: vphboard@mivillageplace.com.

The Village Place Board of Directors encourages homeowner participation at meetings to learn about the current topics that the Board is addressing, bring forth any issues of concern, as well as vote on any items that require such act. Make your vote count!

Stay Connected via Facebook. Did you know the residents of Village Place have a private Facebook page? You can share information with other neighbors about lost animals, items you would like to donate, lost and found items, request assistance or references for home projects, etc. This page is managed by a fellow Village Place resident and not the Board of Directors, so requests for property maintenance or work orders will not be handled from this site. As with any social media, please remember to be civil, courteous, respectful and helpful to others. To find the page, simply type in: Village Place – Social Events in the Facebook search bar.

Village Place is managed by Capitol Area Management Services, LLC (CAMS). CAMS provides financial, administrative management, and minor maintenance services for Village Place. CAMS can be reached through the CAMS portal under "Contact Us" or by phone during regular business hours at 517-339-3040.

Common Resident Questions and Resources